PACK 1534
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get at Pack 1534.
What is Cub Scouts?
A great write-up on what Cub Scouts is about can be found below. In short, Cub Scouts aims to prepare youth to grow into self-reliant and dependable adults and to set them up to make lasting friendships and memories. We do this through a lineup of fun hands-on activities and adventures.
Who can participate?
Buford Cub Scout Pack 1534 accepts boys and girls attending school in grades K – 5. However, Cub Scout participation is really for the whole family. Most of our events incorporate siblings, parents, and grandparents.
What will my child do?
Scouts of Buford Pack 1534 participate in many fun and educational activities through our den meetings, pack me and special events. Scouts will take on community service projects, tour police or fire stations, race derby cars and sail boats, go on nature hikes, roast s’mores over campfires, and do many other fun activities.
How much does it cost?
Registration for a full school year of scouting costs around $200 (part of that goes to Scouts BSA, part of that goes toward our pack dues). However, many scouts sell enough popcorn during our Cub Scout fundraising event to completely cover that cost and end up owning nothing for registration. Each new scout will need to purchase a uniform at the Scout store (uniform pants are optional). The uniform is not required during the first few meetings and more information will be provided during this time. Most sports program cost in the same neighborhood, and are only for a season. The scouting program lasts the entire school year.
Additionally, a financial assistance program called Friends of Scouting is available to those that need it. Please do not let the fees stop your child from joining scouts. If the registration fees seem out of reach, please email/text/call us and let's discuss options.
How do I sign up my child?
Buford Cub Scout Pack 1534 hosts a sign-up event just after school starts every year. Additionally, you can sign your child up using the link below or email us at to get started.
Does my child need a uniform?
All Scouts eventually need to have a uniform for pack meetings and special events. Do not worry about having your Scout’s uniform for your first few meetings. You have time, and we can point you in the right direction. On the other hand, if you want to go ahead and get this done, visit the Scouts BSA Store in Lawrenceville, GA. They have employees on staff that will help you locate all necessary parts of your Scout’s uniform (our pack requires the hat, neckerchief, slide, shirt, belt, and pack numbers "1534").
When do you meet?
Buford Cub Scout Pack 1534 meets on Monday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:30pm (sometimes until 8:00pm for Pack Meetings - check the calendar) throughout the calendar school year. We generally meet 2-3 times a month. Our calendar can be found on our home page.
Where do you meet?
Buford First United Methodist Church graciously provides our pack with meeting space. We meet downstairs in their large cafeteria area or in the gym.
Is Cub Scouts only for church attendees?
No. Buford First United Methodist Church does a lot of local outreach in Buford and has offered their facilities to support our local pack. The official Cub Scout stance is that no particular religion is required. Scouts BSA asks its members to affirm a belief in God, but that doesn't mean Scouts BSA tells its members which religion to practice. It also doesn't mean scouts must attend their faith's worship services every week. A scout could practice his or her faith privately at home, for example.
What is a Pack/Den/Rank?
Cub Scout dens are made up of boys and girls in the same grade level, with each scout in a den working toward earning the same rank. All of the dens together at one location form the pack.
What Pack is my child in?
We are Pack 1534 out of Buford, GA.
What Rank is my child earning?
A Scout’s grade level determines what rank he or she is working toward (K – Lion, 1st – Tiger, 2nd – Wolf, 3rd – Bear, 4th– Webelo, 5th – Arrow of Light).
What is the Bobcat Rank?
All Scouts earn their Bobcat rank shortly after beginning Cub Scouts as part of an introduction. The Bobcat rank is earned no matter what grade a child first begins Cub Scouts.
Is it too late for my child to start Cub Scouts?
It’s never too late (as long as your child is in grades K-5). Your Scout simply starts out earning the rank appropriate for their grade and moves forward each year from there.
Do Scouts get rewards?
Yes. In addition to special event awards (Pinewood Derby race, Space Derby race, etc), every Scout will earn belt loops and patches as they complete activities with their den and progress toward their rank.
Do Scouts get to/have to go camping?
Buford Cub Scout Pack 1534 has two official pack campouts a year. Campouts will have hikes, learning activities (such as knot-tying or service projects), campfires where we roast marshmallows, games, other educational and fun activities, and plenty of time for exploring with friends and family. The entire family is invited out on these campouts. Although we highly encourage you and your scout to come to these campouts, they are not required. You can also come for portions of the campout if that works better for your schedule.
Why Cub Scouts?
Research shows Scouts gain life skills that set them apart long after their days of Cub Scout meetings are over. Aside from the fun and friendship of Cub Scouts, a Tufts study of more than 2,000 Scouts and non-Scouts showed there were big wins for kids who were part of the program:
Goal Orientation - Scouting provides a clear path for kids to succeed at making and achieving tough goals. Whether working toward achieving a new Scouting rank or striving to gain a new skill, Scouts are constantly working toward reaching measurable goals. Not only do these achievements follow a Scout throughout life, but he or she also establishes the habit of setting and striving for personal, academic, and professional goals as an adult.
Leadership - Scouting provides consistent opportunities for Scouts to learn and practice leadership skills. Leading projects and peers is the norm for kids in the program. As Scouts mature in rank, their leadership abilities continue to grow and they’re offered even more opportunities to lead. This helps kids develop into adults who standout as leaders in their workplaces and communities.
Preparedness – Scouting builds life skills (like learning to conquer hard tasks) by facing challenges head-on. The program is structured so that what once seemed impossible to a Scout becomes attainable, a positive cycle that prepares youth for the undoubted challenges they will meet in life.
What if I have another question?
We love answering your questions! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any and all Cub Scout questions at or at (470) 326-0229.